
I've said before that if the answer is longer than the question, you should consider asking it the other way round. (If there are more than about three words in the answer, there is always a risk that contestants will express it differently, possibly leaving out some vital words, and the question asker may not know if they're right or not.)

In my opinion, this is one of at least three questions in this round that are candidates for this treatment.

Question 2: In nuclear physics, what name is given to the time required for one half the atoms of a given amount of a radioactive substance to disintegrate? (Answer: half–life)
Question 4: In chemistry, what word indicates a substance that increases the rate of a reaction, without taking part in it? (Answer: a catalyst)
Question 5: What is the principal ore of uranium, in which the element was discovered in 1789? (Answer: pitchblende)

It would be quite possible to re–word Question 5 without turning it round, but to give a one–word answer without the need for alternatives. For example: "Pitchblende is the principal ore of which element, that was discovered in it in 1789 (by the German chemist Martin Klaproth)?"

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